MY offerings

At the root of all of my work is deep healing, profound joy, and intentional community. If you would like to join me, collaborate or work together in any way, just reach out!

I’d love to hear from you!


Hire me for comedic/dramatic acting, stand up, television
& film + theater acting, comedic writing, improvisation and comedy!


Work with our wonderful team of mental health counselors & clinicians at Psychsomatica

Humor for Hope

At Humor for Hope we provide various humor therapy workshops & trainings for school programming & staff, hospitals and therapy clinics, corporate workshops and more!


Hire me for public speaking events, to facilitate workshops or to lead team trainings!


Work with me 1 on 1 via psychedelic assisted therapy and spiritual/intuitive healing/coaching.

WOMEN’s healing Retreats

Join me on retreat where I support you in rediscovering your true essence, getting more free and living a more authentic, integrated life.